Education from and with heart

Our Vision, Mission and Spirituality

To be genuine provider of holistic, inclusive and quality education guided by Gospel values under the inspiration of Saint Anthony Mary Claret for societal transformation.

To deliver and promote competitive education to learners for the dynamic global village, paying special attention to individual needs and following the guidelines of our Catholic Ethos from and with heart.

The Claretian Family are men and women whom God calls in apostolic community and the Catholic Church sends to announce the Gospel to our world. Continuers of the spirit of St. Anthony Mary Claret, we carry out the Claretian mission assuming as our own identity the special task of guaranteeing in our educational centers the model of evangelization that our founder proposed.

1st Position in CASA Competition 2023

Last Friday, 21 July, our pupils of St. Claret Chiutsi Primary participated in the annual CASA choral competition that took place at St. Paul’s Primary in Gokwe. It brought together 10 choirs representing the different primary schools of Gokwe Diocese. The competition song was Yesu wangu wadiwa composed by Sr. Regina Esther Chinyani, LCBL. Let us rejoice and congratulate St. Claret Chiutsi Primary because they managed to interpret masterfully this piece of music, obtaining the first position in the competition! Makorokoto makuru vana veSt. Claret! Makagona kuimba! Makorokoto number 1! We want to acknowledge and appreciate the great work done by all the teachers, friends and different people in charge of this choir. Thank you so much in deed.

Our Project

From 2016, St. Claret Chiutsi Primary is being built thanks to the magnificent commitment of the Catholic Church (Diocesis of Gokwe) and the parishioners of St. Claret - Zhomba Mission, helped by the Spanish NGOs Manos Unidas and PROCLADE together with many others organizations and friends who have opted for a different Education from and with heart.

The beginning

On the 10th January 2017, St. Claret Chiutsi Primary opened its doors as a new school of the rural area of Zimbabwe. From the beginning of the Claretian presence in Zimbabwe, the Congregation understood that the education is a fundamental field in which to plant the values of the Gospel and the seeds of the Claretian spirituality. Therefore, after a long process trying to search for the best possible way for improving the educative conditions of the poorest and always listening carefully the opinions and requests from the local community, in 2015 we began the official process for opening a Primary School. 

Our LIFE in 4 Claretian Verbs...

To know

Passionate with education as an engine for changing the life and the world. Always open to the newness, updates, originality... A school opting for the innovation.

To serve

Sensitive with the last ones, with those in special need, those who look for hope and new answers. Inclusivity and option for the poor are essential parts of our identity.

To love

We are an Educational Community, all the stakeholders form part of our life and mission. As Fr. Claret used to say, this school is like a "beehive."

To pray

Active pastoral life, with deep experiences helping children and families to discover God in their lives. Holistic Education contemplating spirituality as one of the multiple intelligence.

Humanization and Education

Following the guidelines of UNESCO, on one hand, we are trying to make our St. Claret School a beacon in innovative education caring the educative corners, making real speaking classrooms and updating pedagogical technics. We are introducing, little by little, different dynamisms of inclusive education avoiding marginalization in this rural society. On the other hand, we are also trying to make our school an evangelizing platform caring the pastoral life of the school and always paying attention on how to translate in our context the indications of the Zimbabwean Catholic Bishop Conference and the proposals coming from the Congregation in order to grow in Claretian spirit. 

St. Claret Chiutsi Primary

Chigoronga Village, Chief Nenyunga, Gokwe North. 

Zhomba Mission 

P.O. Box 664 Gokwe 

[email protected]


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